Cancellation Policy

How initiate a refund?

You can send your query about a refund at our website or call our helpline to initiate refund process for your canceled trip. The refund would be processed according to the restrictions of the package purchased. If the booking has been made in cash, the refund amount will be directed to the address as identified by the passenger by cheque. If you purchased via debit/ credit card, then amount will be sent to that specific card account. The refund cannot be possible for any alternative account. The refund amount will transfer to any other bank account if your bank allows sending only. If payment is done by net banking then amount will be transferred to same bank account and no other option will be there.

How long it will take to get refund amount

In normal circumstances, a refund is processed almost immediately. However, in case of a credit /debit card or bank transfer, it takes a minimum of twenty-one days.

How do you rebook or cancel the booking?

Once you purchase your packages online, you can use the "My dashboard" tab to cancel or modify your booking. The cancellation or any modification will be done by several Internet Booking tools. Any refund or any cancellation will happen according to the rule specified by the booking engines. We believe in serving our passengers as smooth as possible and therefore we have a standard cancellation policy. This policy includes:

  • Cancellation of any booking will be entertained only if the request is placed to the operators/hotels and they have initiated the process of advance booking.
  • There will be no cancellation in case of 5days prior to scheduled booking.
  • No cancellations available for those plans that our team has booked as an offer from operators. These are limited offers so that cancellations are not possible for those special packages.
  • We are not liable for any Visa rejections and Hotel cancellation policies that will be your responsibility to do clear paperwork for foreign trips.
  • Refunds can be initiate in cases of missing of any event or item mentioned in package confirmed by the passenger are not delivered by tour operators. Refund is not applicable in any other issue.
  • If passenger pays extra for any sightseeing or local transportation which are included in plan, then by submitting proper receipt, a refund can be applied.
  • In case of unavailability of local sightseeing mentioned in the plan due to government order or maintenance, no refund will be applicable.
  • If there is any missing of events or sightseeing stated at the plan, refund will be appreciated.